Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Planes, trains, and...boxes?

Considering I should probably have the apartment all packed up before I go to Nick's graduation on the 23rd, I've been trying my best to pack like a maniac. I only have 15 days until I leave! The packing is actually going pretty well though. It must be because I had a lot of practice about 5 months ago...

I am SO excited to fly to Washington. I actually can't believe I'm finally going to be on a plane! Though it was kind of fun being 25 and able to tell people that I'd never flown before (just for the reaction). Nick told me today that they might change his graduation location so that it will actually be in DC instead of Virginia, so that would be great! It would make it so much more convenient coming from the airport, and then later when we want to look at places to live.

Today I mailed Nick his fleece, because apparently, the place is like a freezer! Everytime I talk to him, he's cold. I think the weather there is pretty similar to Georgia, it's just his room and classrooms that are chilly. So while I was at it, I sent him some Twizzlers and Reese's cups. Maybe he'll put on some weight while he's there...but probably not.

It's hard to believe his four weeks there is almost halfway through. He seems to be doing a lot better lately with the social aspect of things. He's also made friends with one of the counselors, and he gives him a lot of information because he used to work at the office that Nick will be in. The food continues to be hit or miss (roast beef=yum, shrimp fried rice=NO.), but they went out for burgers last night which he said was a nice break from the cafeteria food.

The cats are already suspicious of what's going on with the boxes. I think it's because they remember the sound that the tape dispenser makes when I'm taping them up. I feel so bad for them that they're going to be traumatized again so soon, but they'll adjust soon enough after we get there. Here's what happened their first night at our current apartment.

Needless to say, they were a little out of their collective comfort zone. Oh, cats...

Well, I need to get back to packing. Try to contain yourselves until my next riveting post.

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