Sunday, October 5, 2008

First weekend away

Nick is having fun!

I don't want to sound so surprised, but I'm just happy for him. On Friday night, he and some of his classmates went out bowling. I think he broke a hundred on one game! Haha! Neither of us are very good bowlers, so I feel his pain. Afterwards, they went out for ice cream at what sounded like a really cool place. I hope that it's a chain that we can visit later. Apparently, everything is soft serve. They have some sort of machine that coats vanilla soft serve in different flavors as it comes out. AND, they have chocolate and cherry dip. I love cherry dip!

Yesterday, they ventured out to Wal-Mart, which Nick needed, because having set mealtimes for him just doesn't work out. He's always hungry for a snack at weird times, so I'm glad he had the chance to pick up some things. After Wal-Mart, they went to Applebee's for lunch, then came back to play some football. He scored a touchdown! I was so proud of him!

He told me that today they are going to play kickball. I'm jealous. That sounds so fun! He's also excited because on the weekends, they have a waffle bar at the cafeteria, so he's gonna try that out.

I, on the other hand, went to my dad's football game on Friday night. I realized that I'm not going to get to go to very many more. It makes me sad. Going to high school games has been a part of my fall and winter ritual since I was born. It will be weird not to have that anymore.

Yesterday I hung out with my family. I gave Cris and Summer a haircut which was fun. And I made Paula Deen's recipe for macaroni and cheese in the crockpot! It was obviously not very healthy, but soooo good!

Well, the first week of living alone has officially passed, and I'm feeling ok. The cats are still a bit confused, but I'm sure they will stay confused for the next month as week pack everything up and move again. But they keep me sane!


The Tall Girl Cooks said...

I don't think Paula Dean understands the word "healthy." Everything has "two sticks of butter" in it, but it always tastes good...except for her orange brownies...I didn't like those.

Anyway, I'm SO GLAD to hear that Nick is finally having a good time and that people are finally perking up. I've been praying that things would improve!

I feel your pain on the football thing, though a little differently. I'm missing going to Ellijay and Burt's Pumpkin Patch this Fall with my mom. It's been a tradition since Caralie was born (and even before that, actually). We don't really get fall here, as far as I can tell. It's hard to lose things you know and enjoy! I'll pray that you can make it through. Be strong!!

paranoid_you_bet said...

Hi - just a long shot here... are you the casilea on Bandmix? If yes, I would like to talk with you about a band I am in that needs a vocalist. You can reach me at
